This piece was written as a nostalgic look back on Childhood from an adult’s point of view. It is a hybrid between virtual instruments and live instruments and was originally written and produce for a 7-day themed competition.

This piece is called Childhood: Memories of Younger Days and is largely written about the nostalgic thoughts of being a kid and the things that are left behind then. I scored it and produced/recorded the audio for a fun competition with a one-week deadline.

The video shows parts of the musical score as well as video of the different instrumental recordings. The piece was a ton of fun to play and record, and I think it turned out really nice! It was fun getting writing and producing it, and it definitely brings up some nostalgia as I think about my own childhood. What do you think? Any younger days this might bring up for you?

Recording credits: Adam Prack, Meghan Prack



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