Automation* of Sorts is a local multiplayer party game in development that pits players as maintenance workers trying to keep everything running smoothly in increasingly ridiculous sorting facilities. Players are tasked with repairing broken machines, filling the envelope hopper, sorting packages into their receivers, and more while trying to beat the clock in a frenetic quest to make their facility the most efficient it can be.

The game uses simple controls for easy pickup-and-play for anyone and to be as accessible as possible. The complexity comes in trying to keep up with the unpredictable, constantly-changing situations our maintenance workers are placed in. Try to keep the facility running to increase how many envelopes and packages are sorted each round and unlock even more facilities to test your management abilities.

Not playing with friends? No worries! You really can be in two places at once… okay, you can’t. But you can switch between them at lightning speed with a personal teleportation device made for single players. This adds a great layer of strategy as the player manages the facility while trying to maximize their distance traveled through both walking and teleporting. It’s a real game-changer!

Game Screenshot

Automation* of Sorts is in development for undisclosed platforms. Be sure to follow on Twitter for the latest updates!



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